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Top notch
cash register system

OktoPOS Cash is the cash register with endless possibilities.

Configured to your needs, easy to operate.

Cash Register Features

Log-On / User Rights

  • Cashier-login with PIN, contactless chip card (RFID) or waiter-key
  • Various user-rights (roles)
  • Automatic logout after every transaction (optional)
  • Cashier quick switch (without repeated log-on)


  • Unlimited number of articles
  • Article selection with touch-screen or scanner
  • Individual touch-pad layout with OktoPOS Manager
  • Individual color-coding of article-buttons
  • Article-button sub-goups
  • Scanning of press products with automatic entry of item number, price, VAT and issue number
  • Article information (prices, nutrition values, allergens)
  • Product bundling
  • Article memos
  • Editing of articles in the OktoPOS Manager or in the cash register.
  • Deposit for empty bottles

Payments in Favor
of Third Parties

  • Lottery
  • iTunes vouchers
  • Amazon vouchers
  • Etc

Side Orders

  • Maximum selectable quantity
  • Minimum selectable quantity
  • Multi-level side order selection
  • Side order templates

Ways of Preparation

  • Selection of way of preparation / cooking level
  • Display of the selected preparation way in the kitchen


  • Configuration of distribution channels (Inhouse, Take Away, etc.)
  • Sales prices and VAT depending on distribution channel and branch
  • Price calculation by piece or unit (e.g. weight)
  • Fixed prices or manual price entry
  • Unlimited discount types
  • Article discounts and total sum discounts
  • Non-discountable articles
  • Selection of the articles that are not available for certain discounts
  • Promotion-articles / combos


  • Payment methods: Cash, cards, check, invoice, voucher, room charge
  • Prepaid cards
  • Change
  • Gratuity calculator
  • Predefined vouchers
  • Entry of variable values
  • Splitting of payment methods
  • Room charge (hotel)
  • Foreign currency
  • Cash withdrawal against card payment
  • Connection of card payment devices

Tables / Parking Receipts

  • Table administration
  • Split basket
  • Merge basket
  • Quick parking function (to serve the next customer)
  • Article search in open tables / parking slots

Sending Orders

  • Sending orders to the kitchen
  • Free text memo for kitchen

Menu Sequences

  • Assigning a course to an article


  • Customer selection
  • Bonus point system for customers
  • Money value on customer cards
  • Customer app for money values (identification at payment)
  • Prepaid customer cards (e.g. for cafeterias)


  • Interim bill
  • Receipt
  • Hospitality receipt
  • Mini printout
  • Discount receipt
  • Payment on invoice
  • Individual invoice header with logo
  • Individual footer
  • With or without cashier-name
  • Optional print of gratuity
  • Optional print of change

Cancellations / Refunds

  • Article cancellation
  • Receipt cancellation
  • Pull back receipt
  • Changing payment method
  • Refunds

Period Closing

  • Period closing with entry of actual funds
  • Expected vs. actual comparison
  • Cash journal

Cash Withdrawals

  • Documentation of cash withdrawals
  • For example at the period closing
  • Cash withdrawals for expenses
  • Compliant cash journal


  • Waste recording
  • Consideration of the waste recording in the expected inventory

List of Receipts

  • Overview of receipts
  • Receipt details
  • Article search in receipt-list
  • E-mailing of receipts to customers
  • View of each transaction with all details in the OktoPOS Manager


  • Various report printouts
  • Cashier reports
  • Waiter reports
  • X-Report
  • Z-Report
  • Time distribution report
  • Article report
  • Goods group report
  • Top seller report
  • Margin report
  • Labor cost ratios (with actual work times or shift planning data)
  • Waste report
  • Discount report
  • Cancelations report
  • Proforma P+L by store


  • Club restaurants
  • Bars
  • Fresh food counters
  • Beverage stores
  • Hotels
  • Restaurants
  • Discos
  • Quick Service
  • Hairdressers
  • Retail
  • Etc.

Layout / Language

  • Selection of cashier language
  • Selection of customer language
  • Selection between retail and gastronomy terminology
  • Bright vs. dark color scheme
  • Icon-assisted user guidance
  • Help texts for every function

Customer Display

  • Small or large customer display (15”)
  • Seasonal videos on large customer display
  • Individual promotion videos on customer display
  • Activity based videos on customer display (birthday)

Training Mode

  • Recording of training transactions


  • No operation with open cash drawer (optional)
  • Automatic mini printouts for each transaction (optional)
  • Hiding expected values of monies (optional)
  • Display of change-money only after transaction was finalized (optional)
  • Colored backgrounds for confirmation of cancellations and finalization of transactions (optional)
  • Waiter locks

Electronic Receipt

  • PDF receipt via QR Code
  • Display of the QR code on the customer display
  • Display of QR code on mini printout
  • Optional: PDF receipt by email

Integration of Websites

  • Integrated browser
  • Bookmarking of individual websites
  • E.g. intranet, suppliers

Gift Vouchers

  • Integrated gift voucher system
  • Prepaid cards
  • Automatic creation of voucher-series in the OktoPOS Manager

Bonus Points

  • Integrated bonus point system
  • Collect and redeem bonus points
  • Collection of bonus points by sales value or by quantity


  • Item discounts
  • Total discounts
  • Percentage discounts
  • Absolute discounts
  • Volume discounts
  • Promotional packages / combos


  • Automatic deposit booking

Foreign Currencies

  • Foreign currency acceptance
  • Foreign currency to base currency conversion

Online Orders

  • Display of online orders
  • Orders from the OktoPOS customer app
  • Orders from the OktoPOS online shop
  • Orders from Self Order Terminals
  • Orders from e-menus

Article Information

  • Display of article description
  • Display of allergens
  • Nutrition calculator


  • Collection of tips
  • Tip calculator
  • Card payment of tips with card payment
  • Recording of the tip by the cashier at the checkout or by the customer via the card payment terminal
  • Transfer of the tip entered at the card payment terminal to the cash register with correct booking in the cash register
  • Tip list in the OktoPOS Manager (cash register management)

Prepaid Cards

  • Charging money values with the cash register or online
  • For cafeterias
  • For schools
  • For prepaid value cards
  • Plastic cards, QR codes, etc.
  • With customer name or anonymous
  • Re-charging
  • Charging limits
  • Remaining credit payout function

Post-Paid Cards

  • Storing orders on contact-less guest-cards
  • Ordering at the counter or self order terminal and paying later at the cash register or at the self checkout terminal

Cash Register - OktoPOS Cash

OktoPOS Touchscreen Cash Register System: Customized for Your Business.

At the core of your operation, the OktoPOS cash register system seamlessly merges user-friendly design with extensive customization. Every feature is tailored to meet your unique business needs, offering over 100 configuration options to choose from before the system is commissioned.

Optimized for Your Workflow: The adaptability of our cash register system ensures all business transactions are accurately recorded and clearly represented in your reports. Designed for speed and reliability, OktoPOS Cash excels in handling fast-paced customer transactions.

Efficient Training and Secure Operations: With just 5 minutes of training, a cashier can proficiently operate the register. User permissions are customizable, allowing precise control over role assignments to enhance security and efficiency.

Flexible Hardware and Reliable Connectivity: Our cash register hardware spans from compact tablets to robust desktop systems, providing versatile solutions for various retail environments.


No other system on the market combines such a comprehensive feature set with ease of use.

The user interface follows our proprietary focusedUX® model, crafted by our team of user experience experts to ensure an intuitive and efficient workflow.

Cashregister with focused UX

OktoPOS Cash with focusedUX®: Designed for Maximum Cashier Efficiency

Working at a cash register demands full concentration — handling money while staying attentive to customer needs. To address these challenges, our specialists created focusedUX® — a user interface that simplifies the cash transaction process, helping cashiers stay focused and reducing cognitive load.

Refined Through Real-World Experience: With years of real user feedback and observation, we've continually optimized OktoPOS Cash. The outcome is a powerful cash register software that remains intuitive and easy to use, despite its extensive features, thanks to the focusedUX® design.

Prioritizing What Matters Most: OktoPOS Cash enables cashiers to concentrate fully on customers, enhancing not just the payment process but the entire customer experience.

focused UX Interface, Buttons highlighted


  • Training of new cashiers in only a few minutes
  • Highest efficiency and usability
  • Avoidance of mistakes
  • Guided workflows
  • Concentration on the essentials
  • Speed

Icon-Based Navigation

The navigation of OktoPOS Cash is supported by more than 200 individually designed icons. Button-texts can be turned on and off. Experienced users can rely on the icons without text. The icons support users who are not fluent in the local language.

focused UX buttons close up

Focused Dialogs

The dialogs in OktoPOS Cash are streamlined and uncluttered, ensuring a clear and intuitive user experience. Where necessary, dialogs are divided into multiple windows to prevent information overload and enhance usability.

The button layout in dialogs and windows is carefully designed to minimize finger travel across the screen, making operations quicker and more efficient.

focused UX buttons close up

Navigation Support

The system is equipped with numerous color-codes and icons to support navigation. For example, function-buttons that were activated, are marked with a red dot.

Cashregister with login screen


Every cashier can select his own language. This does not influence the language on printouts and on the customer display.

Cash register with language select

Acoustic User Guidance

Optionally, keystrokes trigger sounds that give feedback to the cashier.

Guided Workflows

The cashier is guided through complex workflows by a wizard.


The user interface of OktoPOS Cash only shows buttons that are relevant for the current operation. Not-relevant buttons are hidden.

Help Texts

By holding the finger on any button, the function of the button is explained with a short text.

Article info popup


Cash register with tip indication on the display


Cash register with change info on display

Extensive Support Tools

OktoPOS Cash supports the cashier with extensive tools so that he can concentrate on the customer.

These tools avoid calculation and user errors.

Electronic Receipt

Customers can download their receipt as a PDF by scanning a QR code. The QR code can be shown on the customer display or be printed with the receipt printer.

Electronic receipt and cash register

Data Management and Reports

The article data, customers, etc. are managed in the OktoPOS Manager. This can be done from anywhere with your individual online access.

The OktoPOS Manager is also available any time for real-time reports.


Thanks to the standard Windows PC system, a variety of peripherals are available.

Hardware Cash register Peripherie infographic


Single cash registers are connected to the OktoPOS Manager over the internet. If multiple cash registers have to synchronize in the branch (e.g. for table management) or if the kitchen control system OktoKitchen is used, the coordination of data in the branch is done with a small server.

OktoCash infografik

System Requirements  

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

How do I Create New Articles?

  • In the article management in the OktoPOS Manager. An article file is created manually. The properties of the article are entered in the article file.
  • Upload via Excel (CSV).
  • With the cash register. Articles can be created on cash registers with the most important data fields so that they can be sold directly. If an unknown barcode is scanned, the cash register asks whether it should create the article.
  • Via an API. Articles can be created by using the open HTTP interfaces in the OktoPOS Manager.

How much Training does a New Cashier need?

OktoPOS Cash is so user-friendly that anyone can start working with it immediately. The cashier is informed of possible errors by the cash register and guided by animations. Extensive training is therefore usually not necessary.

Offline Capability

Online and Offline Cash Register - Best of Both Worlds

Food truck on a lonely street

Through an intelligent combination of offline and online operation, our POS system offers the ideal connection to our web-based management software (OktoPOS Manager) with simultaneous offline capability.

OktoPOS cash registers can be used without a constant internet connection. Receipts are sent to the OktoPOS Manager when the internet connection is available again.

The OktoPOS system is designed to perform nearly all operations without requiring an internet connection. An internet connection is only needed for specific functions, such as sending receipts to the management software, performing data updates, and accessing certain customer features.


Certified Connection.

Scales can be connected to OktoPOS Cash via a certified interface.

Scales can be seamlessly integrated with OktoPOS Cash through a certified interface, allowing the weight to be transmitted directly from the scale to the cash register. The system then calculates the price based on the weight of the selected item. For items that are pre-packed or on a plate, such as at a salad bar, the tare weight of the packaging or plate can be easily deducted with the touch of a button.

Tare weight can also be captured using a barcode or QR code.

Scale example with tomatos
Scanner scale in supermarket

Scanner Scales

Scanner scales are used in food retail. The products can be scanned and weighed at the same time.


  • Cafeterias
  • Market stalls
  • Fruits and vegetables retail
  • Bakeries
  • Fresh food counters
  • Other sales counters with weighing items
  • Supermarkets

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

How is the scale connected to the cash register?

The scale is connected with a USB plug.

Do I need a separate customer display?

Yes. The weighing result is shown on the customer display of the cash register, but not the course of the weighing process. Therefore, a double-sided display is necessary that both the cashier and the customer can see.

Can I also save shopping carts with weighed articles and finalize them with another cash register?

Yes. The scale can also be used to serve multiple cash registers. E.g. in a bakery or at a fresh food counter.

Cash Register Payment Methods

The OktoPOS System Offers a Wide Range of Payment Methods.


An integrated cash journal is available.

Cash in Foreign Currency

Any currencies and exchange rates can be stored. The register converts the foreign currency into the base currency of the register.


For example, restaurant checks.

Prepaid Cards

Prepaid cards can be easily topped up and sold directly with the cash register. These cards can be used to pay for future purchases in any amount desired. Additionally, prepaid cards can be recharged, offering flexibility and convenience for both customers and businesses.

Customer Credit Account

Customers can top up their credit account and use the balance for future purchases. The deposit is made either via a cash register or via a top-up terminal.

Room Charge

Hotel guests can conveniently charge their bills to their room. This can be managed either through an integrated Property Management System (PMS) or by using the built-in hotel room management feature in OktoPOS.

On Account (Debtor)

Customers have the option to pay by invoice. A payment request, including the payment terms and bank details, is printed directly from the receipt printer.

Customers can be added to the OktoPOS customer database directly at the register. If an e-mail address is provided, the invoice can be sent as a PDF to the customer.

Outstanding balances are managed and cleared in the debtor list within the OktoPOS Manager. In the customer database, customer accounts can be either approved or blocked for invoice payments.

Debit Charge

Open items can be collected as a direct debit. The direct debit file is exported from the OktoPOS Manager and read into the banking program.

Split Payment

All payment methods can be combined with each other, so that a sales transactions can be paid not just with one payment method, but divided into several.


Any type of voucher can be defined as a means of payment in the cash register. The cash reports subdivide the different types of vouchers so that they can be billed to the appropriate clearing account in accounting.

Gift Vouchers

Gift vouchers can either be created at the cash register using the receipt printer or they can be sold via an online shop provided by OktoPOS.

Guest Card (RFID)

Guests are given a guest card when they enter the restaurant, club or disco. Every order is billed on the card. When leaving, the guest pays the accrued amount at the central check-out cash register.

Credit Cards, Maestro, Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc.

These payment types are processed via a connected card payment device.


Value vouchers from the cooperation partner SitPay can be redeemed and canceled via the SitPay interface.

Pay Later

Customers can charge their purchases to an account. An existing customer account or one created at the register is selected, allowing the customer to pay their outstanding balance at a later time. This feature is particularly useful in settings like hotels or sports clubs, where members settle their open invoices every six months at the register.

Credit Cards

Card payment devices can be connected to OktoPOS Cash.

Either a cable connection or Wi-Fi is used.

Not only credit cards but also mobile payment with Google Pay or Apple Pay can be processed with the devices.

Benefit from our favorable conditions and have an individual offer created depending on the structure of your transactions.

You are only looking for a card payment terminal (without cash register)?

Then contact us.

Cable Connection

Infographic, Cable connection between cash register and terminal

WiFi Connection

Infographic, WiFi connection between cash register, terminal and router
American Express LogoGirocard LogoVPay LogoDiners Club LogoApple Pay LogoAlipay LogoGoogle Pay LogoMaestro LogoMastercard LogoPaypal LogoVISA Logo

Mobile Order Terminal - OrderTab

For Efficient Workflows.

Mobile printer on belt of waiter

With the OrderTab, orders can be taken by waiters and be transmitted to the kitchen and cash register. Open tables can be settled cash or with card payment.

The Use of Waiter Terminals
has Clear Advantages

  • Reduction of walking distances.
  • Increased speed.
  • Overview and control.
  • Enhanced service through article information.
  • No double entry of data.
  • No lining-up of service staff at cash register.
  • Seamless communication between service and kitchen.
  • Cost savings.
  • Sales increases.
  • No handwritten notes in the kitchen.
  • Quick corrections.
Huawei Smart phone with OrderTab, mobile waiter terminal
Mobile printer close up

Mobile Mini-printer Epson TM-P20II

Infographic, Communication between server, kitchen and OrderTab


  • Waiter login
  • Order taking
  • Side orders
  • Ways of preparation / cooking levels
  • Order memo
  • Table management
  • Courses
  • Capturing of contactless chip cards (NFC)
  • Article information
  • Cross selling
  • Transmission to kitchen
  • Transmission to cash register
  • Cash payment
  • Payment through mobile card terminal

System Requirements  

Order Terminal

For Taking Orders at the Counter.

Order terminal in a restaurant

The order terminal is a cash register without a cashier function. With this terminal, orders can be taken by the service and be sent to the kitchen.

The orders can be booked on tables or guest cards, which are paid later at the check-out cash register.

Guest Cards

For Storing Guest Orders on Chip Cards for Later Payment.

The RFID control center manages orders on guest cards. Customers receive a card at the entrance. Orders are stored on this card.

This can be done with the following OktoPOS modules:

  • Cash Register
  • OrderTab
  • E-Menu

Open cards can be listed at the cash register. The articles on different cards can be merged or split. Payment at the cash register is easy by just placing the cards on a reader.

RFID Guestcard Process Steps