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Electronic cash journal via the POS system

With the electronic cash journal module OktoJournal you fulfill the legal obligation to keep a cash journal. Cash balances as well as deposit and withdrawal receipts are recorded directly at the cash register and stored in the cloud in accordance with the law.

Electronic cash journal - OktoJournal

Your electronic cash journal

Cash box and tablet electronic cash journal

OktoJournal is your electronic cash journal with entry on the touchscreen. For cash registers and vault books.

No more hassle with handwritten notes.

All deposit and withdrawal receipts from the cash register are recorded via the touchscreen and stored in the cloud.

No tedious fiddling with mouse and keyboard. The Touchscreen OktoJournal recording terminal stands directly next to the cash register. This ensures that every document is actually posted immediately.

Avoid the rejection of your accounting by the tax office due to formal deficiencies in the cash journal.

Cash journals must not be kept in Excel. The records are to be recorded promptly and unchangeably. All records must be stored securely.


  • Electronic cash journal
  • Easy entry of receipts via touch screen
  • Storage and automatic backups in the cloud
  • Financial accounting export
  • Cash check function
  • Evaluations in the cloud
  • Accountant access
  • Optional recording of usernames for each transaction
  • Information about the target cash balance at any time
  • Multi-client capable
  • PDF Export
  • Excel export (for internal reporting)


View of the cash journal homepage

Home page


View of the electronic cash journal

Cash journal in the cloud

Listing of the evaluations in the cash journal

Evaluation in the cloud

Settings in the electronic cash journal

Management of settings in the cloud

OktoJournal is a recording terminal with an electronic cash journal for cash registers or cash registers without recording sales tax.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Why is OktoJournal only offered as a monthly license?

Nowadays, tax software is subject to constant changes and updates.
The ongoing update costs are included in the monthly license.
Furthermore, the tax office-compliant storage of the data including backups is included.
So you don't have to worry about anything else and can look forward to tax audits with ease.

Can I also install the touch terminal on my own hardware?

No. OktoJournal can only be used with our recording terminal.

Is training included in the cost?

The program is very easy to use. A brief introductory training session via phone or video conference is included.

What is the payment method?

Monthly license fees are paid annually in advance.

What is the notice period?

You can cancel OktoJournal at any time at the end of the year.

Why is OktoJournal offline-capable when the cash journal is in the cloud?

The recordings are made with the touch terminal. The touch terminal is an offline program. As soon as the touch terminal has an Internet connection (WiFi or LAN), it automatically transmits the individual postings in your cash journal administration in the cloud.

What do I have to do if I want to use OktoJournal?

  • You conclude a license agreement with us online.
  • You order the touch terminal and pay the bill and license for the first year.
  • You will receive your touch terminal and access to your cash journal in the cloud within 7 work days.

Will there be any support costs?

Usually not. The brief included beginner training should be sufficient. If you have any questions in between, feel free to contact us during office hours.

Can I also issue sales invoices with OktoJournal?

No. You can use our electronic touch cash register OktoPOS Cash for this.

I use OktoPOS Cash as a cash register. Do I still need OktoJournal?

The cash journal is already integrated in OktoPOS Cash. You only need OktoJournal if you want to keep other cash journals that are not related to a cash register.